Procesos creativos / Creative Processes, ESNE UCJC, Madrid by Gimeno Guitart

2012.05.11_ESNE Gimeno Guitart

Invitados por Luis Pancorbo en el marco de su asignatura Metodología del Proyecto, Daniel Gimeno y Miguel Guitart han participado hoy con una presentación en torno al proceso creativo en la escuela universitaria de diseño ESNE adscrita a la Universidad Camilo José Cela en Madrid.

Invited as guest speakers by Luis Pancorbo for his class Methodology of Project Design, Daniel Gimeno and Miguel Guitart have participated today with a presentation on the creative process at the School of Design at ESNE of the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid.

Conferencia / Lecture, Gimeno Guitart, ESNE UCJC, Madrid by Gimeno Guitart


En el interior del espacio es el título de la conferencia que el próximo viernes día 11 de mayo impartirán Daniel Gimeno y Miguel Guitart en la escuela de diseño ESNE adscrita a la Universidad Camilo José Cela en Madrid.

Within the space is the title of the lecture that Daniel Gimeno and Miguel Guitart will be giving on Friday May 11th at the School of Design ESNE of the Camilo José Cela University.

Conferencia / Lecture / ETSAM UPM, Madrid by Gimeno Guitart

Congreso Cerámica y Arquitectura

Miguel Guitart impartió ayer día 24 de abril la conferencia titulada Estrategias de producción de los filtros cerámicos en el marco del primer Congreso sobre Cerámica y Arquitectura organizado por la Cátedra Cerámica de Madrid y Ascer en la ETSA de la UPM. Otros ponentes fueron Alejandro Virseda, Estudio Entresitio, Luis Martínez Santamaría, José Ignacio Linazasoro, QVE arquitectos y Javier Bernalte, entre otros.

Miguel Guitart gave the lecture with the title Production Startegies of Ceramic Filters at the first Congress on Ceramics and Architecture organized by the Cátedra Cerámica and Ascer at the ETSA of the UPM on April 24th. Other lecturers were Alejandro Virseda, Estudio Entresitio, Luis Martínez Santamaría, José Ignacio Linazasoro, QVE arquitectos and Javier Bernalte, among others.

I Congreso Int. Cerámica y Arquitectura / I Int. Congress on Ceramics and Architecture, ETSAM, MAdrid by Gimeno Guitart

Cartel Congreso

Miguel Guitart will be lecturing at the Congress of Ceramics and Architecture on May 24th. The congress has been organized by Cátedra Cerámica de Madrid and has been directed by Jesús Aparicio Guisado and Héctor Fernández Elorza. It will take place at the Madrid School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ETSAM UPM).

Vivienda JT / JT House, Madrid by Gimeno Guitart

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La propuesta para esta vivienda ubicada en el centro de Madrid nace con la idea de poder adaptar una antigua estructura residencial de mediados del siglo XX a una forma de vida contemporánea. Se proyecta un contenedor blanco matizado por una serie de elementos elaborados en madera de mongoi que, sin segregar el espacio y sin restarle flexibilidad, configuran el espacio a las particularidades vitales de su propietario. En definitiva, se plantea un espacio neutro salpicado de piezas de mobiliario que definen y activan el espacio domestico.

The proposal for this urban apartment located in downtown Madrid is conceived on the idea of adapting an old mid-twentieth century residential structure into a new way of life. A white container is softened by a series of elements in mongoi wood, which, without dividing or turning the space inflexible, configure the interior to reach the vital particularities of its proprietor. Therefore, a neutral architecture gets spattered by pieces of furniture that define and activate the domestic realm.

Gimeno Guitart_House JT

Ensayos sobre arquitectura y cerámica / Essays on Architecture and Ceramics by Gimeno Guitart


Acaba de ser publicado el volumen 4 de la publicación Ensayos sobre arquitectura y cerámica con textos de Matos+Castillo, Sou Fujimoto, Jiménez Torrecillas, Miguel Guitart, Jesús Lazcano y Montserrat Zamorano. En este cuarto volumen de la colección de ensayos sobre la cerámica, varios arquitectos profesores reflexionan sobre las aplicaciones de un material tan secular como el cerámico profundizando de este modo en el conocimiento que desde la Cátedra Cerámica Madrid se lleva promoviendo varios años de la mano del Catedrático D. Jesús Aparicio.

Ensayos sobre arquitectura y cerámica; ISBN: 978-8492641505.

The latest publication on Essays on Architecture and Ceramics Volume 4 has been released with texts by Matos+Castillo, Sou Fujimoto, Jiménez Torrecillas, Miguel Guitart, Jesús Lazcano and Montserrat Zamorano. On this fourth issue of the series on ceramics, a number of architects professors reflect on the applications of a secular material such as ceramics, thus broadening the knowledge that is being long promoted from the Cátedra Cerámica Madrid under the direction by Full Professor Jesús Aparicio.

Essays on Architecture and Ceramics; ISBN: 978-8492641505.

Centro Parroquial Santa María / Santa Maria Parrish Center, Tarragona by Gimeno Guitart


El proyecto para el nuevo Centro Parroquial de Bonavista ofrece una respuesta precisa al programa y a la liturgia partiendo de dos premisas recurrentes a lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia Católica: la monumentalidad y el misterio. Se reivindica la iglesia como acontecimiento urbano y social así como espacio singular y trascendente. La solución propuesta segrega el programa en dos partes diferenciadas, el centro parroquial y la iglesia, con el objetivo de plantear un edificio en esquina que contenga la trama urbana y procure un fondo neutro que enmarque el volumen de la iglesia. Ésta se plantea como un edificio exento que enfatiza las cuestiones poéticas de su arquitectura con un marcado orden espiritual que se relaciona con lo trascendente.

The project for the new Santa Maria Parish Center in Bonavista offers a specific solution to the needs of the program and the liturgy taking as a starting point two premises recurrent throughout the history of the Catholic Church: monumentality and mystery. The church is vindicated as a social and urban event and as a singular and transcendent space. The proposed complex splits the program into two differentiated elements, the parish center and the church itself, so as to present a corner scheme so as to contain the urban fabric and provide a neutral background to frame the volume of the church. Its detached building stresses the poetic matters of its architecture and relates to the transcendent.


Midterm Review UPSAM 2012 by Gimeno Guitart


El lunes 23 de enero de 2012 tuvo lugar una sesión de crítica final en el grupo de Proyectos de la Unidad Docente de Miguel Guitart en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca Campus de Madrid UPSAM. Los invitados incluyen a Camila Aybar, de Aybar Mateos; Jacobo Bouzada; Manuel García de Paredes y Fernando Pino, de Paredes Pino; y Daniel Gimeno, de Gimeno Guitart.

The midterm review for the Fall Studio coordinated by Prof. Miguel Guitart at the School of Architecture of the Pontifical University of Salamanca Madrid Campus UPSAM took place on Monday 23rd 2012 at 12pm. Guest critics include Camila Aybar, from Aybar Mateos; Jacobo Bouzada; Manuel García de Paredes and Fernando Pino, from Paredes Pino; and Daniel Gimeno, from Gimeno Guitart.

JAE en Houston / JAE YAS in Houston, Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture by Gimeno Guitart


The Consulate General of Spain in Houston and the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture invite you to an exhibition of the work of YOUNG ARCHITECTS OF SPAIN YAS University of Houston Architecture Building Atrium 26 January 2012 through 1 April 2012.

OPENING event Thursday, January 26 // 6 PM YAS: A Window to the Unknown A Panel Discussion with Curators and respondent Carlos Jiménez Reception to follow 7-9 PM


Anuario de proyectos / Studio Annuary, UPSAM by Gimeno Guitart

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The presentation of the latest 2010-2011 academic course UPSAM Studio Design publication will take place at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca Madrid Campus on January 9th. The issue comprises theoretical texts as well as studio works developed at the different workshops by professors and students. The publishing has been coordinated by Prof. Miguel Guitart and Prof. Israel Alba, and edited by UPSA and Fundación Pablo VI.

Proyectos UPSAM; 197 pages B/W; ISBN: 978-8472999275; Legal deposit: M-47435-2011

JAE, Dallas by Gimeno Guitart


The architecture office Gimeno Guitart is included in a recently-opened exhibition in the American city of Dallas, TX., due to the itineracy of the exhibit JAE-YAS throughout the US. At the Latino Cultural Center at 200 Live Oak, Dallas. Through Jan. 7th.

Parla, Madrid by Gimeno Guitart


Two parallel buildings enclose a green space within where all the housing units look into. This green area is visually connected with the street, and is perceived as a quiet oasis, thus complementing the housing program and promoting neighbors interaction. Opposed to the stone-like appearance of the outer façades, a softer treatment is developed for the façades that look onto the green area. The use of translucent undulated polycarbonate panels produces reflections that multiply the greenery around The units are organized in stripes that allow the serving spaces to step back from the main façade. A long terrace runs along the whole length of each unit, thus extending the domestic space beyond the house and working as a filter through which the house connects with the outside.

GSD turns 75! by Gimeno Guitart


“Next week the GSD will host a series of events and activities for students, faculty, staff and alumni to reflect on the GSD's design legacy and imagine how the School will evolve over the next 75 years. Highlights include lectures by Anne Tyng and Harry Cobb, an architectural headdress competition, student, faculty and alumni presentations, and a special toast by President Drew Gilpin Faust. Then join the rest of the university in Harvard Yard for a massive celebration of Harvard's 375th birthday!”

Mind the Gap by Gimeno Guitart


Con motivo de la celebración del octavo aniversario de la Oficina de Concursos del COAM -OCAM- esta semana se inaugura la exposición MIND THE GAP en la Fundación del Colegio de Arquitectos. Entre otras propuestas, se expone el proyecto para 98 viviendas de carácter transitorio en Parla, Madrid. La selección de proyectos supone una apuesta oficial por la calidad y la excelencia en el desarrollo de la ciudad y será expuesta de forma itinerante durante los próximos meses.

Ir a proyecto: 98 viviendas para residencia transitoria en Parla

As part of a series of events due to the eighth anniversary of the Institute of Architects’ office for competitions -OCAM-, the exhibition MIND THE GAP will open this week at the showroom of COAM Foundation. Among the proposals on display, there is the 98-housing project for transitory occupation in Parla, Madrid.  The selection of designs poses a view on quality and excellence on the development of the contemporary city, and will be shown at different locations throughout the coming months.

Go to project: 98 viviendas para residencia transitoria en Parla

Chic Madrid Mad Chicago 2011-2012 by Gimeno Guitart


Con este título se presentaba el pasado jueves 29 de septiembre el nuevo curso de proyectos 2011-2012 de la unidad docente de Miguel Guitart en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en su Campus de Madrid.

With such a title the new 2011-2012 academic course on Architecture Studio by Prof. Miguel Guitart was introduced last Thursday, September 29th, at the School of Architecture at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in the Madrid Campus.

JAE en Washington DC / JAE-YAS in Washington DC, AIA American Institute of Architects by Gimeno Guitart

PP JAE ref.pptx

La exposición JOVENES ARQUITECTOS DE ESPAÑA JAE, promovida por el Ministerio de Vivienda y comisariada por D. Jesús Aparicio, continua su gira por Estados Unidos. El próximo 15 de Septiembre se inaugurará en WASHINGTON DC, donde se expondrá en la sede oficial del American Institute of Architects coincidiendo con la semana de la arquitectura en EEUU. Para la inauguración, la Embajada de España en Washington ha invitado a Kenneth Frampton, Ware Professor, a hacer una introducción sobre los equipos seleccionados. La exposición llegará a DALLAS en noviembre de 2011 y a HOUSTON en enero de 2012.

The exhibition YAS Young Architects of Spain, JOVENES ARQUITECTOS DE ESPAÑA JAE, promoted by the Housing Ministry of Spain and curated by Mr. Jesús Aparicio, keeps moving ahead within the US. On September 15th, the headquarters of the American Institute of Architects in WASHINGTON DC will be hosting the show as part of the Week of Architecture program in the US. The Spanish Embassy in Washington DC has kindly invited Mr. Kenneth Frampton, Ware Professor at Columbia University, to make an introduction on the selected teams. The exhibition will arrive in DALLAS in November 2011 and HOUSTON in January 2012.

For further information, please visit: